
At Zap Creative Ltd. (Zap) we recognise the harm caused to the local and global environment from continued use of non-recyclables and we commit to reduce this in our business.

At Zap we will measure our impact on the environment and set targets to improve our performance.

We seek to reduce our Carbon Footprint by reducing waste, cutting unnecessary travel to meetings, and investing in an energy audit to reduce our consumption. Our aim is to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations.

What this Policy Covers

We acknowledge that we have limited influence over our clients, suppliers and beyond, but we commit to educate wherever possible and have created a list of preferred suppliers who support our ideals.

Our commitments

We commit to:

  • Reducing team travel by car by use of public transport wherever possible or holding meetings via a social media platform where practical to do so. 
  • Ensure our supply chain and clients have responsible ethical and social responsibility for the provenance of our products and services.
  • Recycle all waste products produced by our work and team.
  • We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets in order to improve our environmental performance. We will regularly review these targets. 


We will: 

  • Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce. 
  • Reduce the use of energy, water and other resources. 
  • Minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods. 
  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation.
  • Ensure that our services are developed in a way that is complimentary to this policy.
  • Not prioritise funding needs ahead of sustainability requirements.
  • Identify and provide appropriate training, advice and information for staff and encourage them to develop new ideas and initiatives relating to the environment and sustainability.
  • Provide appropriate resources to meet the commitments of this policy.
  • Promote and encourage involvement in local environmental initiatives/schemes.
  • Arranging automatic shutdown of PC’s at an agreed time each evening. 
  • Closely monitoring utilities consumption for the office.
  • Commission travel and courier details, keeping records as appropriate.
  • Where appropriate, increasing recycling options and fitting time clocks on items of equipment which are not required to be powered up 24/07. 
  • Using environmentally friendly products in kitchen areas. 
  • Installing light sensors in the office, toilets and kitchen areas.

This action plan is available to all staff on our intranet site and has been drawn to their attention. Signage is also placed in key areas as a reminder to staff.